Eric I. Spoutz afsløret af
 for 10 år siden nu anholdt af FBI
Mød redaktørens gamle ven, Eric I. Spoutz, i et 14 minutters langt interview
ved åbningen af den udstilling, der var medvirkende årsag til anholdelsen.

Se det her.

FBI søger vidner
I forbindelse med anholdelsen af kunstsvindleren Eric I. Spoutz
efterlyser FBI købere, som har købt af Spoutz:

"Not all of Spoutz's buyers are known to the authorities, however.
 Thouse who believe they bought fraudulent works can call the New York Art Crime Team
 at 01- 212-384-1000 and speak to Special Agents Chris McKeogh or Meredith Savona"
4. 2006 interviewede journalisten Peter Jameson Mr. Spoutz. Interviewet fylder 12 A4-sider, hvor
 Spoutz hælder flere tusinde liter vand ud af ørerne.
Herunder et uddrag, der handler om's redaktør:
 "There was a self proclaimed art expert by the name of Preben J. Madsen …”

In the Controversy
In 2005, article by article, word started to leak out of the alleged less then ethical business practices of Eric I. Spoutz. Critics began to question the authenticity of a grouping of artworks that Mr. Spoutz was actively selling through an unlikely venue.
"Sometime around 2003 I had purchased a few thousand attributed artworks from a couple of different private collections. Really I didn't know what I was going to do with these, if anything, but then it hit me, I would try to sell them on eBay! I was very careful about this as I had already sold a good many fully authenticated masterworks to some of the most important collectors of our time. I had also done well in Realism and was reasonably respected within my industry. I just figured that if I opened a sales division of my company for eBay sales and offered affordable artwork to the public with the appropriate disclosures that both my clients and I would be safe. The works were offered with stiff terms and conditions of sale clearly stating that the works were attributed to the respective artists and that there was no assurance of authenticity, thus reflecting the roughly 2,000 dollar through 15,000 dollar price tags on the pieces. If the works had been fully authenticated the bare minimum starting prices would have been 75,000 dollars to well over 1,000,000 dollars. The works were speculative and clearly stated as such. Further research needed to be performed on the art if it was ever to have a chance at fully authenticated status. There was a self proclaimed art expert by the name of Preben J. Madsen in Denmark who took note of the auctions and decided that he would slander my name as a swindler. My response to his accusations is quite clear. I have never forced or coerced anyone to purchase the art that my sales staff was selling on eBay, everyone purchased the artwork based upon their own free will and those who purchased the works were forewarned that they should perform their own due diligence before purchase. In the eyes of the professional Art World, Mr. Madsen's opinions are not to be taken as fact, they are merely his own personal opinions. No leading Auction House, Art Gallery, or Museum would ever consider relying solely on the personal opinions of Preben J. Madsen.

Amerika vågnede efter 10 år afslørede for 10 år siden Eric I. Spoutz' falsknerier

og satte skub i FBIs afsløring af kunstsvindel på allerhøjeste plan.

Paintings sold through Mr. Spoutz on eBay but NOT painted by:
Picasso - Chagall - Schiele - Matisse - de Kooning - Modigliani - Léger - Jawlensky - Soutine

          Mr. Eric I. Spoutz, the fairytale-man
Fantastic stories one more imaginative than the other accompany the paintings, which Mr. Spoutz from the American company lmm-sla auctions, Detroit, Arizona, put forward for sale at We, deeply encourages Mr. Spoutz to prove or at least to make probable his Arabian Nights stories in the form of photos of some of his great gallery of characters or there descendants, or in the form of any other trustworthy manner which proves his stories. So far we have not been able to verify one single of Mr. Spoutz’s fairytales with long-time-deceased figures, and we therefore believe the stories to be one huge pack of lies with the single purpose to spin a yarn around credulous buyers who know nothing about art – who just love it and care for it’s 
own sake. 

Herover lidt af Mr. Spoutz' mange falsknerier. Kopieret fra i 2006. Klik på navnene.

Da det hele startede i 2005. Herover bare én af de mange trusler, Spoutz og venner fyrede af.

Berømt amerikansk kunstsvindler anholdt

7. januar 2016 modtog jeg mailen herover. McKeogh havde set, hvad der stod
på om Eric I. Spoutz. For 10 år siden afslørede vi på
en lang række forfalskninger solgt af Spoutz på På
blev han omtalt som en af verdens største kunstsvindlere og truede med advokater.
Nu er han lige blevet anholdt, og risikerer 20 års fængsel.
Da han blev afsløret på reagerede ingen, var ligeglad, ingen
skrev om det. Der skulle altså gå 10 år, før nogen tog affære. Læs her.

En af Spoutz' mange Picasso-forfalskninger.
Se flere her
Vi er tilbage i januar 2006.
(Bemærk, at links på siden ikke virker længere)
Besøg også (Ikke opdateret i flere år)
Her er anklageskriftet, underskrevet af to, den ene Christopher McKeogh.
Læs de 26 sider. 


Læs Eric I. Spoutz' anmeldelse på Amazon af Waltons bog. Den er ustyrlig morsom. Læs her. 

Læs om Kenneth Walton på Wikipedia.
(desværre ikke opdateret)


Herover endnu et af Eric Ian Spoutz' mange falsknerier.
Her fra februar 2006, kopieret fra
Fotoet er taget af ham, da han var på vej hen i banken. Det er ham.
(Læs - på engelsk - om betegnelsen attributed to, på dansk tilskrevet)

Da undertegnede redaktør, pjm, for 10 år siden modtog en e-mail
fra Mr. Spoutz, hvor han hældte litervis af vand ud af ørerne. Læs det.
9. februar 2016