Just a few days before the auction on
February 1, Sotheby's in New York decided to pull a fake
Paul Fischer painting out of the auction

Page 162.

Page 162 and 163 in the original catalog.
falsification was revealed at Kunstnyt.dk and an email was sent
to Sotheby's, both to the Danish department and headquarters in
New York, which, however, did not comment.
To the left as the catalog now shows online where No. 804 is
missing. Two days after Kunstnyt.dk made Sotheby's aware of the
falsification, January 17, it was taken out of the auction.
Paul Fischer is a world famous Danish painter whose paintings
have been sold by the hundreds worldwide many at Sotheby's and
The painting can not be pulled out of the original catalog and
that is a big problem. If the painting is returned to the seller
without delay, it can always be "documented" that it has been
"sold" at Sotheby's. The original directory can not be
The fake is very poorly painted and far from Paul Fischer's
normal quality. Incomprehensibly it was not stopped by Sotheby's
Sotheby's has not published why the painting has been withdrawn
from the auction. |
Sotheby's i New York
har trukket
Paul Fischer-forfalskningen ud af auktionen

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Above in Danish from Kunstnyt.dk when annonced translated into English:
Sotheby's in New York has withdrawn the fake Paul Fischer.
Activating the link (Klik her) opens the page shown below.

Preben Juul Madsen
journalist and art writer
November 28, 2018
All photographs: Sotheby.s New York