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Amerikansk »kunstsamler« vil have |
I august 2008 modtog Kunstnyt.dk's
1. e-mail:
Do you know anything about Pierre Aguste Renoir. I have two paintings I am researching for someone. I am going to send close up of one I am not certain about the other . The flower still life I feel is is OK the signature is to the right of the flowers in the shadow.it is dated 1892 and says in french describing the type of flowers. also a description of the on the back about what number this painting was from a series in bold block letters .it looks like it was printed on in some fashion, old but able to be read clearly. It also has writing and is numbered 2 . Also I wanted to tell you that the woman on the couch is attributed by Renoir to Gerard.The dress detail is what makes me think it is a real Renoir but this one has me puzzled. this painting has had a very thick coat of shelac put on it front and back. it also has . The Canvas frame has been cleaned well and appears to be original .The outer frame has been re placed with a newer one . Thanks in advance. Preben . Sincerely Brian R 2. e-mail:
Can you not see the words RENOIR to the right of the plant. des
paris Right to left in the back round of the flower scene.This is
classic renoir and the painting needs cleaning.This was borrowed
from a museum inventory to fool you in to saying this.YOU DO NOT
KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING..The person I got this from has provenance
from 3 auction houses. I am writing a book about ark fake
specialists like you that do not know what they are doing. 3 out of
the 4 paintings that you looked at are real .I have documented this
and am going to expose you to the public so please beware. I am
going to humiliate you.You foolish old man you.
Sincerely Brian R
Good luck old man
4. e-mail (modtaget 21. august 2008): |
Om manden er skør eller bare sur over at have købt en række malerier for at være malet af berømte kunstnere, men ikke er det, vides ikke. Han har spurgt om adskillige billeder var ægte, men er hver gang blevet fortalt, at det er de ikke. Senest de to malerier øverst på siden, som han er overbevist om er malet af Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Nu behøver man næppe være meget over 12 år for lynhurtigt at kunne se, de absolut ikke har noget med verdensberømte Renoirs værker at gøre. Da han fik at vide, de ikke var af Renoir, hvad de indlysende ikke er, så var det ikke undertegnedes ekspertice, men hans egen, han troede på. Som det ses, er manden ikke særlig stiv udi det engelske, så det skal nok blive en underholdende bog, han vil sende på markedet. Formentlig er Brian identisk med firmaet Blockandgavel på eBay, som handler med små nuttede figurer og juveler. Måske er det en ven og kollega til den mærkelige Troels Olivero fra Gauguin.dk, som også handler med juveler. Preben Juul Madsen Kunstnyt.dk 22. august 2008 |