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Lauritz.com 18. november 2011 |
Maleriet dukkede op hos Gauguin.dk i 2003 som ubekendt
og solgt for 400 kr. Det kom så under hammeren igen efteråret 2005,
igen hos den sære Troels Olivero, nu som malet af P.S. Krøyer og denne
gang med et hammerslag på 21.000 kr.
NOT painted by P.S. Krøyer
Sunday, 2 October, 2005, 21:47
![]() ![]() The seller: Susanne Risom the leader of the Site www.gauguin.dk says the following about this painting: Dear Preben, It’s of interest that you give the piece of information that one can see no Krøyer in the picture. I say: the clouds are very characteristic. As you well know he was sick at the time where he painted this picture. He probably steeled his way out from Middelfart Mental Hospital to walk around in the surroundings for the reason (among others) to pay a visit to the island Fænø from where this painting comes. I’ve discussed the signature with several persons amongst those also Mette Bøgh Jensen, the museum curator at the Skagens Museum and should it be a fake one must say that it’s an incredible good imitation. The letter K has a more distinct turn than usually seen by him but exactly this “turn” is so striking to Krøyer’s handwriting in general. Furthermore it would harshly be such an insignificant picture that one should like to falsify if this was the case! I certainly do not insist to be right – should the opposite arguments be weighty. But in this particular case I do not go along with you. Sincerily yours Susanne. artfakes.dk: Preben Juul Madsen, artfakes.dk: Dear Susanne, In my book Art under the hammer 2005 to be published on October 14, I write in the preface that Annette Johansen the curator at Skagens Museum is the most imaginative Museum curator ever seen. I probably also should have written that Susanne Risom is the most imaginative auction holder in this country. Writing on your part: “As you well know he was sick at the time where he painted this picture…” I can tell you that I for my part am not at all aware of the time when Krøyer is supposed to have painted this picture, as you claim that I am. This you cannot tell from your visiting site. Moreover have I clearly declared that Krøyer did NOT paint the picture? He never painted in this ordinary way, he was a great artist and could never paint in this non-artistic and composition-like poor way. And speaking about the clouds in the way you do is plain rubbish talk. Krøyer did not paint the picture so you can put your wisecracks on all salaried and roughly connected employees at Skagens Museum. Not one single Krøyer signature that could draw any attention to the above mentioned is known. But in fact the signature is not important in this case, as the picture has nothing to do with Krøyer. You’ll find no Krøyer signatures on any paintings, which do not come from him. It’s simply too bad that you can be duped so easily. When people cannot have their pictures sold at Bruun Rasmussen (www.bruun-rasmussen.dk) they can apparently have it at www.gauguin.dk or at www.lauritz.com, who sometimes can’t tell a fake from a genuine painting, from which the crooks benefit. You haven’t been able to reveal that some individual has put a false KDrews-signature on one of your paintings, which has absolutely nothing to do with Kai Drews (now erased from your site). The signature is a lousy imitation of the one seen in Tims signature book. Best regards Preben (Oversat til engelsk af Erik Morsing) 23. november 2005 får jeg følgende mail: ----- Original Message ----- From: "Camilla Stockmann" <Camilla.Stockmann@pol.dk> To: <pjm@artfakes.dk> Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 11:51 AM Subject: Fra Politiken Hej Preben Juul Madsen Jeg er journalist på Politiken og er blevet opmærksom på jeres arbejde på artfakes. Har du et telefonnummer, jeg kan ringe på. Jeg kunne godt tænke at høre nærmere. Mange hilsner Camilla Stockmann Det blev starten på adskillige mails frem og tilbage, som resulterede i en kæmpeartikel i Politiken 9. december 2005, fremragende skrevet af Camilla Stockmann, hendes nok bedste historie til dato. ![]() Herover forsiden på Politiken 9. december 2005. Herunder forsiden på avisens Kultur, 2. sektion. Artiklen fortsatte på en anden side. Gengivelserne er fra Politikens arkiv, som ikke er i farver. ![]() Lidt uheldigt havnede maleriet på Bruun Rasmussens auktion omkring samme tid, auktion 750 nr. 1228, 6. december 2005, vurderet til 40.000 kr. som ægte P.S. Krøyer, hvilket fik Susanne Risom til triumferende at sende mig en mail og cc til TV2: From: Susanne Risom To: artfakes Cc: zulu@tv2.dk Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 1:23 PM Subject: RE: Vedr. auktion i samarbejde med gauguin.dk Synes lige du skulle kikke på Bruun Rasmussens netauktion http://www.bruun-rasmussen.dk/search.do?pg=1&mode=detail&q=kr%F8yer&iid=300097958 . Så ville det måske være på sin plads med en offentlig undskyldning! Med venlig hilsen Susanne Risom www.gauguin.dk Susanne Risom fik naturligvis ingen undskyldning. I stedet fortalte jeg hende, at jeg havde kontaktet Bruun Rasmussen og sat dem ind sagen, hvorefter de trak maleriet ud af auktionen. Hvornår vi igen ser »P.S. Krøyer: Stubmøllen« er ikke godt at vide. Bliver det som ægte Krøyer eller igen som ubekendt? Der er alt mulig grund til at rose Lauritz.com Herlev for ikke at falde for fristelsen at have forsøgt at sælge det som P.S. Krøyer. De havde vurderet det til 1.500 kr. og solgte det for 1.800 i hammerslag. Se salget her. For nogle dage siden fortalte en kunsthandler mig, at han før det blev solgt hos Gauguin.dk havde fået det tilbudt til 200 kr. På Antikbrevkassen har en anden supervurderingsekspert, Lars Krintel, på syvende år fortsat liggende et besynderligt indlæg om Stubmøllen. Se her. Preben Juul Madsen Kunstnyt 19. november 2011